Nabs and JWT hosted a really informative, dynamic workshop a few weeks back. Everyone (incl the audience) was really responsive and there were a lots of questions and answers flying around which was great.
Here are my highlights:
- (to account handlers, mainly) "Show them (CD) that you care. Show them that you understand how fragile an idea can be and that you are as scared as them."
- the more responsibility you take, the more you will get.
- idea generation process (by James Webb Young): immersion, synthesis, incubation, birth and life.
- be the last person to give up/ work harder than everyone else.
- find out what people (in the industry) are talking about.
- have a perspective and be ready to justify it.
- keep sharing ideas
- test how good your ideas are. Do they spread?
Siobhan L, Lucy C, James S, Will H and Sam I.