This was the title of a talk hosted by Canvas8.
Speakers: Gerd Leonhard, David Bausola and Ramsey Khoury.
Key points:
1. The most interesting thing about technology advances is not gadgets but how it changes people´s behaviour. Eg how we don´t memorize phone numbers anymore (mobile) or learn how to navagate from A to B (tom tom).
2. How people change from being an observer to a participant. Eg I may start by reading other people reviews (and be quite happy with my passive involvement) until I come across a really bad restaurant (I then feel it´s my duty to my peers to denounce this place).
3. Are we using the new tech to its full potential or are we just moving the same content from one medium to another? Eg An online shop that´s closed on Sundays.
For a more detailed write up, you can go to Canvas8 blog: